Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Note on Christmas Gifts

I dont remember who we have told so I am making a note about it here. Since we are starting to get ready to move, and its time to start thinking about Christmas shopping, we have decided that it makes more sense to have a Christmas for us, after we come home. It seems silly, to us, for you to pay shipping to get gifts up here, and then have us pack them up and send them right back. Plus any gifts you get for Hayden would be there for him while most of his things are in transit. Now, of course, if there is something you want him to open up on Christmas, by all means send it up, but either make sure its something that could easily be packed in a suitcase, or its going to get shipped TMO, so he will only have it for a couple weeks, and then its gone again. Or if its clothes that will only fit for a certain amount of time... well, you use your best judgement and then when we get home, we'll plan a post-Christmas party for Hayden's first Christmas.

Edit: One more thing, stores are sexiest against boys!!!I am disgusted with the BX right now cuz they have a HUGE section of infant clothes for girls (like 7 rows of racks!) and a teeny-tiny section for boys, only TWO rows! (but toddler boys have ONE row). They have a whole huge display of girls/infant's coats/snowsuits. And one pitiful little rack of boys with ONE option and the smallest size is 18 months. Wal-Mart isnt much better! Is this the norm or is it an Alaska thing?

1 comment:

Julie, Brian, Addy & Evan said...

This is not an Alaska thing, some stores are better than others. Target, WalMart and even Younkers are this way. Children's Place, Gymbo, Baby Gap all have the same amount of boy vs girl and have VERY cute boy stuff. Kohls is really good as far as department stores go, still more girl stuff but a good amount of boy stuff. TJMax has BETTER boy stuff and really ugly girl stuff.