Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

No more "talking"

Hayden has learned a new noise and he seems to be sticking with it, for now. He does A LOT less talking and a lot more weedwacker/motorboat sounds. He isn't really talking as much as he was before, but he is going CRAZY with the motorboat sounds. I get a kick out of the sounds, but I kinda miss the talking, though.

We are having a battle over staying on our tummy. He doesn't want to, all he wants to do is stand. He is still really good at scooting and he rolls himself around in a circle. Its kinda funny to watch. But he doesn't seem to have any interest in learning to crawl or anything, he just wants to stand. I need to get a walker or something like that so he can stand up and I don't have to hold him all the time. And he can stand and play all he wants.


Anonymous said...

I believe the Grandma Rosies elves were busy. Have Hayden keep a watch out for the UPS man. :-)

Amanda said...

Someone else wasn't interested in learning to crawl, either, but I can't remember who it was...Ben, maybe?