Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Well, here is little update for you. I met with the CWS conselor. I sign on to volumteer at the MS Society office. I am really excited about it. It will be a lot of office type work, but thats what I was hoping for. Taking phone calls, and filing and meeting with clients and drumming up donations and such. And if it goes well, and I am sure that it will, I want to continue on and volunteer there. Diana is really nice and she is the one who organizes the MS Walk and the Chocolate event, which unfortunately I JUST missed. But there are only 3 people in the office, so its really close knit. I am really excited. And I talked to her about my health and she says hat they will be on me to take my medicine, which is what I wanted, and why I need to start it early. And doing research and things and learning about the support system, and such. Unfortunately for y'all I have to sign a confedentality agreement so I wont be able to talk about what actually goes on at the office, but thats ok. I am really excited about this. And I have pretty much got Tom (at the CM) to agree to signing off on a "set" schedule of 40 hours, so Emily is going to be VERY buy now, but I feel really good about this. Like this is where I am supposed to be. I was presented wth this opportunity to make my life healthier and to help other people around me too. Now just to get my puppy and I will be set on my new life. I just hope I have enough time for my puppy. Since now I have to go to the office at 9 and then i have to be at work by one. So it least I will be able to come home and walk him and then go to work I guess. And then Matthew can play with him in gthe afternoon before he goes to work and I can spend all night with him. So I guess it will be alright.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Emily, you are getting better and better at making positives out of negatives. I am so proud of you! I am also very excited about you working at the MS office. What a wonderful opportunity and this will give you a chance to learn more about MS. Great update!
