Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Sunday, August 13, 2006

I am getting pretty excited about mom and dad coming up. Matthew and I are cleaning. It seems a good excuse to shampoo the carpet!! I really just meed to see tham. I know that alot of their tension is because they havent seen me since everything happened, but I hope that it will help that they are coming up. I just wish they would chill out a little. All I have been hearing is that they are all upset... So what am I supposed to do? I cant calm them down, because when I tell them things I dont think that what I am saying is actually being heard. We are fine. We arent going broke, and we're not going to. I can walk into anywhere and get a job, but rightnow I want to do something that is for me. Something that I enjoy doing and thats for me. I am not hiding. I am not letting anyone have control oer y life, I just want to do something different. I want to try new things and enjoy life angain. I am not scared to go out, I am not worried about what people are saying about me. know wat the truth is and anyone that matters knows it too. So why should I waste my time on anything or ayone else? Thats all I'm saying. We are not drowning. We are happy. And we are moving on. And we will do what we have to do to do that... everyday. We will pay our debts to those we owe them to, and that is the end of that. So thank you all for your concern but we are fine. And we will be fine. The end. Now, please excuse me, I have some clients to cal...

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