Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday, March 12, 2007


Ok I would like to say that I can handle this, but I am WAY over my head here. Diana went out of town for her son's wedding and she wont be back till Monday so I am sailing this Walk ship by myself. Which would be ok if I could just stick to what I know, registering Walkers, helping team captains, basically the little details. But NOOOOO, all of this sponsorship stuff has come up and I dont know anything about sponsorships. Diana does all of that. Anything that deals with major money like that, she does, I just deal with the small stuff, the pledges and stuff like that. But the big companies, like the drug companies and the airlines and Chevron and stuff I dont do that. I dont know what is going on, Diana has a relationship with them, not me. So I am drowning here. So confused. I guess I will just hang on for dear life. I can only do my best, after that, its up to fate. The only thing is that the commitee at Alaksa Airlines is meeting on Wednesday so I have to get this grant request in by Today so they can present it on Wednesday. TODAY! Grrrr. I just want to go home and take a nap.

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