Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, December 15, 2005

This is a bitch session and not of interest to anyone but will help me

Ok, I need to get all of this out so that I can calm down and enjoy being on vacation. I havent been able to do that lately so I am going to try now.

So I u nderstand that shit happens and this has kinda turned in to a "boy who cried wolf" situation. Ashley always has SOMETHING going wrong in her life. I am almost sure she creates most of it to get attention. But it literally one thing after another. So she got in a car accident. And I am sure she really is hurt and I am sorry that she is, but damnit I am tired of working every damn day. I am tired. I know I have only 4 days left till I am gone for two and a half weeks but I need to have time to get ready to go. Now I have to work everyday till I leave because she cant come to work. And when she does come to work she is going to be under so many restirctions that she wont be worth shit anyway. And I am leaving. Why now? WHY NOW? Why now that I am about ready to leave? Am I being selfish? Hell, yeah. I work my ass off. I deserve this vacetion. Maybe more than anyone. (Except Ralph, he NEEDS a vacation) But that is part of the problem. I work so hard, and Ralph is totally dedicated, and Malu works hard and is always there when I need her that anything less than our standards is not acceptable to me. But Honestly I dont expect you to work 13 days straight. I dont expect you to drop what you're doing and be at my beckon call. I expect you to come to work when you are scheduled, be on time and earn the money that we pay you. I expect the same respect FROM you that I show TO you. I expect you to b considerate of those you work with and for. I do not think that is too much to expect from your employee. I think that that is what a job is. Call me crazy.

On a different note: I am ready to come home. People at work and around work are getting these 24 hour bugs. Fever and such. I WILL NOT get sick. Again I ask, "Why now?" So I am trying to get plenty of sleep and am taking my vitamins. I have 4 days to suvive and I am free. 4 days. And tomorrow is a short day. I only have to work til 1. Ok, I had better get to bed if I think I am goint o get up in the morning! Boo.


Amanda said...

You are not being unreasonable.

We're all sick down here, too, so it's pretty much out of the frying pan into the fire.

Anonymous said...

Emily, you need that evening at Biaggi's BAD. Hang in there and you will be on that plane before you know it.


Anonymous said...

You totally need a "mommy hug". (I'll probably infect you with something myself, since I seem to have it ALL lately) And what are you "commenting people" doing up so darn early??

Anonymous said...

Mom (Bonnie), I wonder if this is set to Emily's time. I am an early riser, but not THAT early.
