Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday, February 11, 2008

It's warming up!!!!

OMG it was a gloroius 13 degrees today. 13! No - sign, just 13! But as with every double edge sword, it comoes at a price. SNow. Forcasted for the next ten days straight. Just snowfall. We are supposed to get 6 inches by tomorrow. But its warm. By Monday, now brace yourselves, by Monday it is supposed to be in the low 30's. 30!!!!!!!! That is a 50 degree difference from all of last week. Can you believe that? 50 degree diffetence, and it only 30 degrees, lol. OMG, get me out of here! Cuz guess what, you'r almost done, a month or two, and witner is over, a month or two here, and we still have a month or two left. This is utterly ridiculous!

BUT Fur Rondy is going to be starting pretty soon, so that is something new, and hopefully it will be a decent temerature to be able to go out and enjoy some of it. I want to go and see the snow sculptures again this year. And maybe the Running of the Reindeer. (more on that later, or you can go to to read about it yourself). I think maybe the start of the Ididarod again, just since its my last one. I am trying to get those "last" things done, and not procrastinate on them since I will never be able to go back and do those things again. I have also decided that I want to do the Salmon Parade this year when everyone is up here. I think I may have mentioned it before, but its like the Cows on Parade and the Herky on Parade thing only with salmon. I didnt know about it, or I wouold have done it a long time ago. But as long as its nice out I thought it would be fun to do with everyone and be able to bring Hayden along pretty easily. I will have to find out if they have a salmon map, I am sure that they do!

I am getting so excited. Excited for Hayden to get here, excited for mom and dad and Amanda to get here. Lew ust told me he may becoming up in January to help me move home, so I am super psyched for that since I didnt think that he was going to come at all. I have decided that I am going to have to make dad sleep in my bed while he is here, cuz he cant sleep on an air matress, and I think our couch would be just too painful for his hip. So its the only solustion, and since matthew isnt going to be here... I dont see the big deal of having mom and dad in our bed and me and Amanda on mattresses. I can even put one in the baby's room or there is plenty of room in our room, I'd just have to deal with dad snoring. But I have to be upstairs or feedings, it'll be easier on all of us. And we can put the other on in the dining room, and keep the kitties downstairs so they dont lick Amanda's face all night long. I am still working out the logistics of it, But it should not be that big of a deal, expecting getting dad to sleep in our bed!!!! I cant believe all of this is going to be happening in a couple of months! It just seems like yesterday when I was only a few weeks long, 2008 was way off in the distance, Hayden was just Cricket, the size of a lima bean....

***Edit*** Ok so after I wrote all of that, I went to the Shoppette to get milk and toilet paper, and as I was leaving I slippd on the ramp outside the door and didnt quite fall, but was pretty close. Anyway, there were three people in the area and NO ONE offered to help me with my bags (remember milk and toilet paper, not small things), no one helped me get up... Ok a person falls on the ice in front or around you, and you dont have the decency to even ask if they are ok. Now that person is OBVIOUSL pregnant with arms full of bags, and you do NOTHING?!?!? Appalling. Dont worry I am ok, and I will mention it at my doctor's appointment tomorrow. My ankle hurts a bit though. We'll see how it is tomorrow. All I need is MORE swelling...

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