Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Holy Cow!!!

I seem to be having a freak out moment. Apparently being 31 weeks, is my freak out time. Knowing that there are 9 weeks left (9! A single digit!) is WAAAAAYYYYY Different from having 10, 11 or 12 weeks left (All two digit numbers) 9 weeks, that's it. I remember when I was excited cuz I was 9 weeks pregnant, which was really close to being in the double digits. Now turn it around and I am getting a bit anxious. But I still cant believe how fast it went! I know that in reality, I'll probably be pregnant for 10 more weeks at least, but the Base hospital is pretty good about not wanting you to go too far over, if you don't need to, and I am not opposed to being induced as long as he is fully developed. Go for it.

I am getting bigger. Yep. I know, I'll only get bigger, but I remember conversations with Katrina, who worked at the store when I first started. She was 7 1/2 months preggo and I was two-ish. And she would tell me things like "buy your maternity cloths big, and if they are way too big, don't worry, you'll use them at the end." And she was right. And she told me to wait till I was in my third trimester and the effort to turn yourself over in bed would be a full body effort. And that it is. Sometimes I feel like a turtle trying to get off its shell. And now, our new stylist is about three months along and I have found myself telling her alot of the same things, without realizing I was doing it. LOL.

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