Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I am getting so excited about Mister's Monkey Party. He is just so adorable. He makes it so hard to leave in the morning. But I looks forward to coming home to his laugh everyday. The last couple hours that is what gets me through. Yesterday was especially wonderful I was walking up the front steps, and he was laughing and smiling, and he looks right at me and says, "Hi!" Matthew's jaw dropped. My head snapped up and I was like "Did he just say hi?" And Matthew was like "I was just going to ask you that!" So I am writing it down as a first word. Whether it was, or coincidence (which I cant believe it is cuz he has said 'hi' at the appropriate time before) I want it written down. If it wasn't then I'll cross it out, but I am just afraid if I don't then I wont remember on down the road. But it was enough that Matthew and I both took notice at the same exact moment. I know its early, but he looked at me and I could just see that he knew what he was saying. That's hard to dismiss.

I am also very excited about WDW. How can I not be? We are FINALLY going. We have been waiting for this since we got on the bus at Pop Century to go to the airport. But more than that, I get to share it with Mom and Dad. So I know how Matthew felt the first time he took me. And I am happy that Matthew is trying to watch all the movies before we go. He said things mean a little more to him know that he has seen the movies. Like he didn't know the Blue Fairy was from Pinnachio, and she was the fairy of wishes. And he watched Beauty and the Beast for the first time. I love that movie so much, and I have been waiting, impatiently, for them to rerelease it, but I borrowed Amanda's copy, so I loved that I was there for him watching it the first time.

I have to say that this move, leaving Alaska, has worked out a lot better than I thought it would. I didn't think I would be so... satisfied with the results. I like my job. I dont mind going to work in the morning (I don't like leaving my Boys) But being back in Wilton isn't what I thought it would be. I told myself that I would make the best of it, but in the back of my mind I was doubting it a little. But its kinda fun. Its fun to be involved and people know who we are. We're pretty famous around here. Till the novelty wears off, anyway. But the Bank is kind of a central hub in this town so its kinda fun to be in the middle of that, lol. I guess I'm a bit of an elitist, For now anyway. But our good fortune in all of this has not been lost on me. Trust me. I am thankful, everyday, of how the pieces have come together.


Nicole said...

I just need to say that you are no longer an Alaskan. You are an Iowan again.
But you are still sweet.
Well, ok, not sure about that, but I'm not sure you were ever sweet. ;)

Iowan Sweetheart maybe.

Ems said...

I may not be an Alaskan in the technical sense, I will always be in my heart. If you moved out of Iowa, wouldnt you still consider yourself an Iowan? I did when I lived in Alaska.